Works with Arabic speakers and Bangladeshis in SW1 and the others in the local community to improve their quality of life, through a programme of health and social activities. For example, women only exercises, cooking, grow and eat sessions, massage, emotional support, childcare training, community interpreting courses and business support for new enterprises. Classes vary from year to year so do check with The Abbey Centre for what is currently available.
Music, dance, story telling. Cultural education and therapeutic benefits.
Provides free, independent and confidential Advocacy and User Involvement services to people with learning disabilities, people using or wishing to use mental health services and older people in local communities within London.
African Women Care is primarily as a self help group to deal with issues affecting women and children from the Black African Community living in the UK. Our work addresses issues of poverty, disadvantage, women’s disempowerment, unemployment, health, social exclusion and skills development...
At Age UK we provide services and support at a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people.
We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations.
Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women's Centre serves the needs of Moroccan and Arabic-speaking women and their families in London and the UK.
Hospital visits, education, advice, support, health and social welfare, prison visits, interpreting, help in completing forms.
Our mission is “ To offer young people living and working in the North Westminster area access, using youth work strategies, to a range of high quality, formal and informal learning and recreational opportunities. This will enable young people to: constructively challenge the personal, social and educational disadvantages they face, lead positive, creative and fulfilled lives, contribute to the communities of which they are part.
Provide information, advice and advocacy, free healthcare, hostel facility for new arrivals and english classes.
Supplementary School - Baraka provides academic support, field trips and a range of services to young people and families in London.
Provide advice, support and education to homeless people, refugee families and domestic violence victims.
Provides appropriate services to those in need and also organises and participates in many fun educational and cultural activities for the Chinese community.
Raises awareness of diabetes and potential complications within the BME communities. Run juvenile diabetes project. Patient Support Groups sessions. Publications, including newsletter & Nutrition guidelines. Diabetes focused expert patient training for the management of the chronic condition. Healthy living initiatives, diet & physical activities; Drop-In & Advice Services; Diabetes-related research, studies & conference focus groups, education, training & workshops.
Participation of BME groups on commitees and community organisations, working with private and public organisations to inprove the quality of life for BME groups, encourage friendship and promote awareness.
Conduct research to increase survival rates, improve diagnosis, treatment and care, and develop understanding of lung diseases. Support young scientists to encourage them to develop their careers in the field of respiratory research.
Uniting devotees and the monastic in promoting Buddhism through education, cultural and charity events.
Homeless Charity running 6 projects
hostels, education, family day centre, advice, GP surgery
Our vision is that every unpaid carer in the areas in which we operate is recognised and leads a healthy, fulfilling life with control over their caring role.
This is a religious institution established in 1908. Promotes Sikh religion. Philosophy of one God and universal brotherhood.Runs Sunday School for teaching and music. Register marriages, conduct religious and social functions.Receives visits from schools, universities and other organisations.
Working with children and young people from diverse communities to increase their aspiration and improve social behaviours. Currently Clyd have been running the following programmes: mentoring; supplementary education, supplementary education; youth ambassaddor programme; faith culture in diversity; earn & leard (employment); spot and focus (video production).
Our volunteers provide food, laundry and shower facilities to homeless men and women. We run a children's school, elderly peoples group, yoga and psychological support, counselling for young people, support for depression.
Aim to improve the quality of life and well being of chinese community, particularly those who are disadvantaged, isolated or vulnerable.
The Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC) provides free information, advice and support to disadvantaged Chinese people in our community living in the UK.
Reduce the health inequalities in the UK chinese community and offer a positive and holistic approach to healthy living.
The ClementJames Centre is an award-winning charity that empowers the community to release its potential through education and employment support in one of London’s most deprived areas (in North Kensington)...
Eradication of illiteracy and poverty and research into alternative medication.
Classes for children (English, Arabic, IT, Maths, Sport Quraan). Also arrange trips outside London.
Residential project for 16-25 homeless adults. We run training schemes and education for young offenders, asylum seekers and young people who have been in care.
Steelband services for disability and for all age groups, Steelband parties. We run a millenium volunteer project 16-24.
We function as a church during the weekend. During the week we do community family work: We run a cofee morning for women, parents and children under 5, free of charge. From there we identify other needs, eg family crisis. We have youth service, and adult service.
Training, helping children with homework, Support with English language, advice and information, referal letters, helping women back to work, advice on immigration.
Works with women, BME communities, migrants and refugees providing befriending/mentoring, benefits advice, emotional support or counseling, employment support, ESOL classes, Healthy eating, physical activities.
The main activities are Drop in, advice, information, consulting, education, social services.
Family Befriending and mentoring
FORWARD (Foundation for Women’s Health Research and Development) is committed to gender equality and safeguarding the rights of African girls and women.
Range of services for the African particularly French speaking communities.
Provide personal development training, empowerment focusing on women, advocacy, advice, skills training, health information, national policy.
Healthier Divas (previously Healthier Life 4 You) promotes Emotional & Physical Wellbeing to local residents/communities including BME communities (African, Afro-Caribean, Black British, Asian, Irish and others).
We aim to empower and represent the diverse communities of our boroughs to engage, provide evidence and influence the planning and delivery of publicly-funded health and social care services. Help ensure community voice counts when it comes to shaping and improving local health and care services. Provide information to help people access and make choices about their health and well-being services.
Our projects aim to empower women through education, knowledge sharing, advice and capacity building. We focus on four main areas; Women in Business, Women and Health, Learning for Women and Gender equality. We also work with women, men, and youth, community leaders...
Henna has been in the Kilburn area for over 30 years providing women only services to both residents and new immigrants to the country. We offer services in Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu.
Sport/recreation, Children/Young people, Elderly/Old People, People with disabilities, People of a particular ethnic or racial origin, Provides services, Provides advocacy/advice/information
Advice and counciling, information, cultural activities and social functions.
The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation provides advice and support to Middle Eastern women and girls living in the UK who are facing ‘honour’ based violence, domestic abuse, forced marriage or female genital mutilation.
Information and advice on education, welfare, housing and immigration, health projects, Culture and Arts, Counselling, Life In The UK Test
General Information and Advice; English Language Classes; English Language Exam; Information Technology Course; Counselling and Group Therapy; Exercise and Health Awareness Workshops; Tests For Citizenship and Settlement; Immigration and Citizenship Advice & Arts and Cultural Activities...
I offer islamic services to patients/staff at St Mary's hospital and also to the local Muslim community.
Jobs in Mind, a mental health charity whose varied services provide specialist support and advice around problems at work, training and education. Our mission is to understand, support and enable the recovery of those affected by mental health problems...
Advice, Support and advocacy for migrant domestic workers in the UK.
We preach the gospel and assess our members about spiritual, material and psychological matters.
It provides a range of services to asylum seekers, refugees, French/Lingal speakers experiencing a language barrier.
Provide one to one advice and information on housing, benefits, employment, training and offer advocacy.
Advice and advocacy; Education and training; Campaigning and lobbying; Interpretation and translation; Volunteering project; Honour based violence forum...
Provides services to Children and Families affected by HIV/AIDS in the UK and in Africa. Aim to improve the quality of lives of people affected by HIV/AIDS.
We provide advocacy services in health, housing, education and welfare benefits. Referrals. Supplementary school for 8+.
Offers a wide range of high-quality health related services aimed at providing people with the skills they need to get the most out of life.
We help local young people to develop socially, physically and mentally byy providing them with sport activities and health awareness sessions. We try to develop a relationship with them to make it easier for them to express problems openly with no barriers. We also provide women only sport activities.
We run a youth club and a supplementary school.
Bangladeshi and Arabic Speaking Communities.
MEWSo supports Middle Eastern, North African and Asian women in London to rebuild their lives. Their aim is to defend women form violence and discrimination both at home and in the wider community. Services include, Comselling, befriending, mentoring and parenting, Advice, guidance and advocacy.
MEWSo aims to defend and protect women from violence both at home and in the wider community
Provide advice/ information/ health advice, education, supplementary school for children age 8-16, sewing and English language for women, session on drugs, events for Eid.
Migrant Voice is a migrant-led national charity established to develop the skills, capacity and confidence of members of migrant communities, including asylum seekers and refugees to speak out so that policymakers and the public hear our voices on the issues that affect us.
Migrants Organise is a platform where refugees and migrants organise for power, dignity and justice. We develop leadership and open up spaces for relational, organised participation of migrants and refugees in public life. Services include:...
Charity working to promote community cohesion and interfaith harmony by learning from one another and enriching our knowledge and understanding without compromising our own identities. beneficiaries now include: socially and economically disadvantaged and marginalised communities in London...
We provide educational and social service for the community in & around North Kensington with a focal point for a range of spiritual, social, economic and training activities. We have different kind of activities: over 555 project; youth project; English & Arabic classes; Advice & Guidance; Saturday School, Homework Club; Nursery.
Sexual health and HIV services for Black, minority ethnic & refugee communities.
A centre that welcomes all asylum seekers and refugees regardless of age, sex, ethnic origin or faith. We provide a wide range of services.
Care provider for African and Caribbean older people living with complex health conditions such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Diabetes, sensory impairment and physical disabilities.
Open Age established in 1993, is a user led charity working across Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster enabling older people, from 50 to over 100 years of age, to sustain their physical and mental fitness, maintain active lifestyles and develop new and stimulating interests...
Outside Edge Theatre Company are the UK’s only theatre and participatory arts charity focused on addiction. We use innovative theatre to inspire change and help those affected by addiction. Since 1999, we’ve delivered thousands of arts-based interventions for vulnerable people and produced over 60 productions. Our arts-based interventions support recovery and improve health and wellbeing. Anyone that has been affected by any form of addiction can take part. We welcome those currently in addiction, in recovery, affected by a loved one's addiction, at risk, champions and carers.
Not-for-profit regeneration company and social enterprise working for people, place, and community enterprise in London.
HIV/AIDA primary prevention work among Southern African communities in London.
We support community groups that run supplementary schools and activities for children and adults.
Offers help and support to: homeless people rough sleeping in South Westminster; vulnerably housed people; homeless people with substance misuse or mental health issues (or both).
Provide a comprehensive service to older African/ Caribbean people to enable them to live independently but (open to all over 55's).
Help Iranian elderly people out of isolation and help them connect and interact. We provide advice and education and help them maintain their independence.
QPBA provides social welfare services to improve the condition of life for the Bangladeshi community.
Support African communities affected by HIV.
We are an international, spiritual organisation which promotes harmony, joyfullness and fulfilment in every aspect of people's lives. We help people deal with their problems through counselling, company and strategies to adapt to society.
Sixty Plus supports older people in K&C to maintain their independence through volunteer-involving schemes, health promotion activities and intergenerational work.
Co-ordinates the ground- breaking multi agency response to domestic violence. Key mission: to work in partnership with agencies in order to provide safer options for survivors and their children, ensuring that their perspectives are at the centre of service planning and delivery. Also aim to improve the way that agencies respond to perpetrators, in particular in holding them to account for their abuse.
SU2F is a non profit grass root community organisation that is 100% representative of the diverse community that aims particularly to encourage fitness for women. Activities include running, cycling, tennis, use of fitness studio, cooking, and Ecotherapy.
Community Interest Company
Works with women, older people and those with disabilities, the Arabic community and BME communities.
A community hub space for all kinds of activities and events, including public meetings, drop-in sessions, fitness classes and community gatherings.
Total Family Coaching is a team of multi-lingual family and parenting practitioners aiming to enhance family life by raising parents confidence in their parenting abilities, reduce couple conflict and strengthen parent-child relationships.
We with work people who misuse substances e.g. heroin and crack cocaine but not alcohol.
We support people with mental health problems (provide courses, counselling, companionship, support with gaining employment)
Health and Social Care - including preventative medicine, public health, HIV/AIDS, mental health, children and substance misuse Education training and cultural values Arts and Crafts for the West African diaspora in London.
A charity providing drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services in London, the South East and East of England
We are a small resident led housing association in Harrow Road with a strong community focus.
Serves families and children in Westbourne Area.
Support the Bangladeshi Community in South Westminster.
We provide a range of family support services to families in Westminster with children aged 0-18.
Offer education and training programmes and run two popular sports and fitness facilities, as well as health and fitness services. Promote arts and culture, host entertainment and events, and provide space and development opportunities to individuals, businesses, enterprise, artists and charities with a focus on creating opportunity and access for those most in need.
Work alongside the public and voluntary sectors to improve the social and economic well-being of our North Kensington community. Through smart use of our land and resources, we intend to realise the full potential of this community, today and tomorrow.
Works with single parents and children. Has after school club, music, sports activities, healthy food, drug awareness, IT, advice and information.
Supports and campaigns for women affected by the Criminal Justice System (CJS). We assist women with advice on housing, education, mental health, legal rights, work, benefits, debt, domestic violence, and more.
The Women's Therapy Centre has been offering individual and group psychotherapy to women since 1976. Its access policy ensures that psychotherapy is available to all women, regardless of sexual orientation, disability, cultural or social...
Working With Men (WWM) is a charity supporting positive male activity, engagement and involvement . WWM has expertise in the challenges and solutions in working with boys and men who are socially or economically disadvantaged, marginalised or isolated...
Supplementary after school club for ages 5-19, teaching science, maths, english, computer training, video training, advocacy councelling, employment